1. Where can I buy the recommended yarn?
Most of the recommended yarns in Anja's books can be found in our webshop. Feel free to take a look at our extensive range and buy your yarn individually, or in a package. We also offer the possibility to put together your own package. We deliver the recommended materials in the colors of your choice. Make our design, your design: make it your own!
Is the yarn not available in our webshop? Take a look in Anja's books. Here you will find the main supplier of the used material.
2. I bought too much or too little yarn, this isn't in line with the recommended number
It is almost impossible to give an exact estimate for the number of balls of yarn to be used. If you crochet with the advised needle thickness and recommended yarns, it may be that you need more or less yarn. This depends on how tightly you crochet. Anja always tries to keep the required materials more spacious, because she herself crochets very tightly and therefore consumes less than average.
We recommend: if you crochet loosely take an extra ball of yarn. In our packages you will find the possibility to order an extra ball when you crochet loosely.
3. Why is there a different advice on needle size on my ball than in the book?
For the crocheting of designs that do not have to be filled, the adviced needle thickness on the wrapper of the ball is fine. If you are going to crochet something that needs to be filled afterwards, it is important that it is firmly (tightly) crocheted.
Firstly, this is more beautiful for maintaining the shape of the crocheted work and secondly, it is less open so that the filling is harder to see. All this depends on how tightly you crochet and the kind of yarn that you use. Adjust the needle to the type of design.
The smaller the crochet hook, the tighter the crocheted (when using the same yarn).