This is the German translation: Baby Kleider häkeln
The title for the German translation of this book is: Crocheted Baby Outfits.
You can find the English version of this book here
Paperback - 144 pages.
With the instructions in this book you can crochet an entire wardrobe for newborns.
Made from soft yarn, these clothes are very comfortable to wear.
Each model is available in a range of looks and would make the perfect surprise present!
Do you also want to crochet the beautiful matching soft Animal Blankies? You can find this in the book Crocheted Baby Toys - Anja Toonen. With this you can crochet a complete baby playground!
The clothes are crocheted with Gohandmade Bohème Velvet Fine and Phil Caresse.
The basic collection includes the following items:
For the link to the materials click on the name:
Gohandmade Bohème Velvet Fine in combination with crochet hook 3
Phil Caresse in combination with crochet hook 4
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